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Dean Guo Wenbing visited two Australian Universities

Be invited by Professor Jian Zhao, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University (MU) and Associate Professor Alex Remennikov, the Head of School of Civil, Mining and Environment Engineering, University of Wollongong(UOW) Australia, Dean & Professor Guo Wenbing, Associate Professor Song Changsheng and Yuan Ruifu visited the two Australian Universities in 12-18 November, 2017.

In 13-14 November, Guowenbing, Song Changsheng & Yuan Ruifu met with Professor Jian Zhao and his team members in Monash University. They discussed the corporation of joint education of undergraduate and graduate and research focus on rock dynamic mechanics. A preliminary agreement was reached for the joint education of PHD student. They also agreed that co-host the IC3G (International conference on geo-mechanics, geo-energy and geo-resources) together in September 21-24, 2018. They also visited the rock mechanics laboratory and studied the dynamic test on rock samples by the real triaxial dynamic testing machine, which is the world’s first.

In 16-17 November, Guo wenbing, Song Changsheng & Yuan Ruifu visited University of Wollongong Australia and met with Professor Christopher Cook, Executive Dean of Engineering and Information Sciences, Rachel Weine, EIS Student Recruitment and External Relations, Tanya Austin, Office of Global Student Mobility and Professor Ting Ren. Deeply discussion about joint education for undergraduate and master and PHD graduate has been conducted, include requirement of English, 2+2 and 3+1 model for undergraduate students and their courses arrangement and tuition fee, joint education model for graduate students, cooperation of visiting scholar, joint scientific research foundation et al. A supplemental agreement was preliminary achieved based on the agreement between the two universities ( UOW and HPU). They also visited the laboratory of mining engineering, and discussed the research focus in underground mining area such as, mining-induced environmental damage and protection, rockburst, numerical simulation et al.

This visiting have promoted the communication and friendship between HPU and MU & UOW, enlarged the international fame and influence of our school, and achieved more opportunity of international education for our students.


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