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Housheng JIA

Dr. Housheng JIA is a lecturer and master’s supervisor in School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University (HPU), China. He received his master degree and PhD degree from China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing.

He has supervised more than 10 researches and consulting projects from National Natural Science Foundation and Coal Group Companies and etc. and gained 6 Provincial Prize on Science and Technology.He attended the international conferences or academic exchange many times. As the first author, he published more than 10 academic papers, including EI retrieval of 5 articles. As the first inventor, he also applied for 13 national invention patents.

Representative papers:

[1]Open-closelaw of longitudinal transfixion cracks in shallow buried coal face with thin bedrock [J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2015, 40( 12) : 27872793.

[2]Mechanism and control method of roof fall resulting from butterfly plastic zone penetration [J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2016, 41( 6) : 13841392.

[3] Research on the law of instability and caving for large-span cut-hole roof with thin bedrock in depth [J]. Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2014, 31(5): 702-708.

[4] Characteristics of stress-field environment and roof falling mechanism of mining influenced roadway [J]. Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2017, 34(3): 707-714.

Research interests: mining pressure and strata control

Phone: +86 13903918582


Address: Energy Science and Engineering Building, Henan Polytechnic University, Century Avenue 2001#, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, P.R. China, 454003


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Sijiang WEI [11/22]
Shuangjian NIU [11/22]
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Xiaoxiang CHEN [11/22]
Cheng WANG [11/22]
Xuefeng XU [11/22]
Tongqiang XIAO [11/22]
Hui ZHANG [11/22]