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Characteristic Researches Direction

Characteristic Researches Direction

1.Theories and Applications of Rock Mechanics

The research focuses on strength characteristics and failure criterion of rock mechanics, failure mechanism and engineering control of fractured rock, and numerical modeling in soils and rock engineering. Systemic in-depth study of failure mechanism of deep rock under uniaxial and triaxial compression, which providing theoretical supports for coal mine ground control.

2. Green and high-efficiency mining of mineral resources

This research focuses on green and high-efficiency mining of mineral resources. The results from research on panel widening in large mining height mining, high-production high-effciency top coal caving mining in thick spontaneous-prone coal seams, and large area mining in shallow overburden with thin bedrock have special characteristics, providing excellent guidelines for safe high production mining of mineral resources.

3. Overburden Strata Pressure and Ground Control

The research focuses mainly on ground control of coal mining. The rock deformation due to mining was studied, and new materials, methods and equipment for ground control were developed; supports design and relevant equipment for entries under complicated conditions were researched, and ground control theories adapting to various geological conditions were established, providing theoretical and technological supports for rock stability and monitoring, ground control, and hazards prevention in deep coal mining.  

4. Coalbed Methane (Gas) Drainage and Utilization

This research focuses mainly on geological characteristics for coalbed mechane(gas, shale gas)mining and key technology and equipment for undergound mechane drainage; develop technologies ondirectional drilling, and high-efficiency drilling and sealing of drillhole for outburst-prone coal seams; surface mining technology and equipment for outburst-prone coal seams; combined surface and underground gas mining technology and theory and technology for shale gas play.

5.Coal Mining Damage and Environment Protection

The research focuses on special coal mining techniques under water, railways, buildings or above pressured water (“three under and one above”), and environment protection of mining area, studying strata movements, surface subsidence and mining-induced hazards, and proposing the protection measures for surface buildings. Difficult mining conditions under linear surface structures such as buildings and raiway and water bodies as well as shortwall mining and backfill mining have been studied.


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