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Major Teaching Platform

Major Teaching Platform

(1) National Exquisite Course: Introduction to Coal Mining (2007)

(2) National-level features Major: Mining Engineering (2007)

(3) National teaching team: Mining Engineering (2008)

(4) National Exquisite Course: Mining-induced Environmental Damage and Protection (2009)

(5) China Engineering Education Association: Mining Engineering (2010)

(6) Plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers of MOE: Mining Engineering (2012)

(7) Henan Providence Innovation Practice Base for Postgraduate (2013)

(8) Henan Province Experimental Center for Mining Engineering (2013)

(9) National Practice Education Center (Built by HPU & Datong Coal Mine Group) (2013)

(10) Major of Pilot National Comprehensive Reform: Mining Engineering (2013)

(11) China Engineering Education Association: Mining Engineering (2013)

(12) The National Coal Mining Simulation Experiment Teaching Center (2014)

(13) National Quality Resource Sharing Course: Introduction to Coal Mining (2016)

(14) China Engineering Education Association: Mining Engineering (2017)


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