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Junhao YAN

Junhao Yan, Deputy Party Secretary of School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University (HPU), China, is a lecturer and PhD candidate. He received his bachelor degree in 2002 from Zhengzhou University and master degree from HPU in 2008.

He has supervised more than 5 researches and consulting projects from National Natural Science Foundation and Science and technology department of Henan province, supervised more than 3 Henan province information education project, 2 Network ideological and political education program of HPU, and National teaching quality engineering project. He authored and co-authored 2 books and more than 10 journals and proceedings papers. Doctore Yan’s current focus is on Computer application technology, mine informatization, Internet of vehicles application and student network ideological and political education.


Quanyu KANG [11/29]
Wenbing GUO [11/14]
Junhao YAN [11/29]
Yuzhong YANG [11/14]
Dongyin LI [11/14]
Shaowei LIU [11/14]
Mingjun SUN [11/29]
Chunling CHEN [11/29]
Zhenzhen GUO [11/29]