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Huamin LI

Huamin LI, Ph.D., Professor, doctoral supervisor. Technical and scientific contributions as an educator, researcher and consultant in the mineral resource engineering discipline in the areas of underground safe and intelligent mining, intelligent control of strata. First level of Taihang scholars at Henan Polytechnic University, director of the Mine Development and Design Institute, famous and excellent teacher in Henan province, member of China Coal Association Technical Committee, member of the National Engineering Laboratory of Coal Mine Backfilling Mining Academic Committee, member of the Academic Committee of the National Laboratory for Gas Drainage and Surrounding Rock Control, member of the National Award Evaluation Expert and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Professor Li presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, taking charge of Higher Education Research Fund for the doctoral program in priority development areas and Doctoral Fund projects, as a sub-project leader to participate in the National 973 Foundation research projects, more than 40 provincial, ministerial and large state-owned enterprises projects have been completed. 22 national invention patents, 4 first prizes and 8 second prizes of provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress have been achieved, in recognition of his outstanding contribution in the field of coal mining. More than 80 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings; supervised to completion 60 Master’s and 10 PhD students, co-published 6 monographs and books.

At present, the research work of the intelligent longwall top coal caving and intelligent control of strata is being carried out.

Tel.: +86 0391 3987921

Email: lihuamin2007@163.com

Address: Energy Science and Engineering Building, Henan Polytechnic University, Century Avenue 2001#Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, P.R. China, 454003.


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