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Dongyin LI

Dr. Dongyin LI

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Dec.20, 1970

Position: Professor of mining engineering

        Associate-Dean of School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic

       University (HPU)

Phone:  +86 391 3987908 / +86 13939170537

Email:  lidongyin@126.com

Address:  2001 Century Avenue, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, P.R. China, 454003

Prof Li is Excellent Teacher in Henan Province and the professional leader of mining engineering of HPU. Since 2005, He has worked in teaching and research in HPU.

1993-2002, he had been worked at Wuhan Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd. of China Coal Technology & Engineering Group, Wuhan, Hubei, China. He had taken part in design, construction, management of more than 10 coal mines.

Before 2010, his research involved in coal mine system optimization, strata control and roadway support, coal and coal seam gas mining, and coal mining technology.

From 2010, he began to research on coal mine resources scientized mining that means coal mining with safe, green, sustainable, high efficiency and environment protection. His Ph.D thesis is The Evaluation Indexes System and the Evaluation Method of the Coal Resources Scientized Mining.

Currently, he is conducting a National Natural Science Foundation Project: Study on Forming Mechanism of Coal Mine Sustainable Capacity, 2015-2018.He also has the software copyright of the System of Coal Mine Sustainable Capacity.

At the same time, he and his research team are focusing on the technology of Gob-thermal, and the gob-side entry retaining which has been applied successfully in several coal mines.


[1]       Li Dongyin. Scientific Evaluation Index System and Quantitative Evaluation of Mining Method [M],China University of Mining and Technology Press,2013.

[2]       Li Dongyin, et al. Successful Exploration and Practice on Mine Construction Management New Model [M],Coal Industry Publishing House,2005.

[3]       Li Dongyin, et al. Research Progress on Scientific Mining and Scientific Productivity in Coal Mines[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2016, 44(09): 1-5.

[4]       LI Dong-yin, et al. Study on the Evaluation Method of Scientized Mining by Extension Theory [J]. Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering. 2013(30)1:57-62.

[5]       LI Dong-yin, et al. Evaluation Model on Coal Scientized Mining Coefficient by Subjective Dynamic Weight [J]. Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering. 2012, 29 (3):173-177.

[6]       LI Dong-yin, et al. Discussion on Evaluation Method of the Coal Scientized Mining [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2012,37 (4):543-547.


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