学院首页 >> 2023版主页 >> 本科教育 >> 教学管理 >> 教学相关文件 >> 正文
供稿: 伟德BETVLCTOR1946 时间: 2010-09-25 次数:
一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 培养适应现代化建设和未来社会与科技发展需要,立志为国家富强、民族振兴和人类文明进步而奋斗,德智体美全面发展与健康个性和谐统一的,富有创新精神、实践能力和国际视野的交通领域高素质复合型人才。学生毕业后具备交通运输科学与工程等方面的知识,能在交通工程、交通运输、物流工程等领域从事科学研究、技术开发、生产及经营管理、教学等方面的工作。 In this program, students will acquire knowledge in traffic engineering, system planning, design & control, etc. Students can be fit into jobs as traffic and transportation planning, traffic engineering design and traffic control system development in the development-planning departments, traffic planning & designing departments, as well as traffic administration departments. 二、培养要求 Ⅱ.Educational requirement 1.掌握交通工程学科的基本理论、基本知识; 2.掌握系统工程的一般分析方法和系统控制的基本技术; 3.具有交通运输规划、交通工程设计和交通控制系统开发的初步能力; 4.具有道路工程和桥梁工程设计的初步能力; 5.熟悉国家关于交通运输规划、建设与管理的方针、政策和法规; 6.了解交通工程,特别是智能交通的发展动态; 7.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力。 As a student of this program, you will gain : 1. Solid grounding in the engineering areas; 2. Common analytical methods of system engineering and basic techniques in system control; 3. Primary capability of traffic and transportation planning, traffic engineering designing and traffic control system developing; 4. Primary capability of highway engineering and bridgework designing; 5. Understanding of the guidelines, policies and regulations of the country in traffic planning; 6. Knowledge of the development of traffic engineering, esp. intelligent traffic; 7. Basic methods of literate survey, file retrieving and basic scientific research and practical working ability. 三、就业(发展)方向 Ⅲ. obtain employment(development)direction 学生毕业后,能在智能运输系统、交通规划、交通设计和交通运营管理等领域从事教学、科研、技术开发及管理等方面的工作。 Students can work on teaching, scientific research, technique exploitation and traffic management in intelligent transportation system,traffic planning,traffic design and traffic transportation management after graduation. 四、修业年限及授予学位 Ⅳ.Length of Schooling and Degree 1.修业年限: 3~6年弹性学制 Duration:3~6 years 2.授予学位:工学学士 Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering 五、专业核心(特色)课程设置 详见附件。

